Nice pulling together of the vaious threads, though think care needed when talking of 'elites' towards the end , because (s you note higher it's a specific bit of the kleptocrtic, neo-fascist elite that form the Trumpian threat in conjunction witha remodelled largely on age line) bourgeousie.
In terms of how Labour responds to a new anti-woke/patronage leadership of the type that Mordaunt or Truss or any of the others (prob inlc Sunak within months as austerity brings riots), I'm not sure an investment plan is ennough. To regain bourgeousie support and keep it there through a long drawnoiut recession, Labour really does need to regrasp the challenge of business and work ownership at identfiiable spatial levels, and it really does need to make clear the plan on how it's going to do it. People having more stuff (in the form of new style anit-capitalist shares) is the only way to stop them, en masse, being envious of people supposedly having more stuff.